Week 9- Spanish Renaissance

This week in History if Interiors we learned about the Spanish Renaissance , which is also referred to as the Hispano- Moorish to Neoclassical. A fusion of Christian Spain with Moorish Art, known as Mudejar exploded in 1607. Taking place during the reign of Ferinand and Isabella, there were many voyages acquiring the New World, resulting in trade of gold and silv er, but ending in bankrupt. Greatly influenced by the Italian Renaissance, craftsmen were in great demand and art schools were founded. Inspiration of vibrant extravagance came from the Moors of Africa. Courtyards and gardens were evident in buildings such as the Alhambra . Many castles were built during this time, made from concrete and brick. Grand cathedrals erupted , inspired by gothic and classical architecture . (Alhambra) (Modern Day Example) The Spanish Renaissance was focused on silv...